Monday, January 15, 2007


Jerry's last lab showed that Jerry's blood platelet was Clinically Low. In the past, it has been low, but this time it was Clinically low.

Lab results from 01/10/07 were: 98 CL Normal Range Units are 140-440 mm3
Jerry's Platelets were in the normal range last August, 2006. Since September, 2006 lab results started showing his platelets in the low range and have been continuously slipping and now are clinically low.


Vicki and Don said...

Just curious...what's the treatment in Jerry's case? Again, thanks for keeping us posted on what's going on!

Jerry and Karen said...

I don't know if there really is a treatment when you are fighting cancer. Chemo drugs are breaking down your platelet. The IVIG is suppose to help build it back up. It seems like one counter acts the other and vise versa. When your a cancer patient, you need chemo to fight the cancer it's just a vicious circle.