Tuesday, October 06, 2009

It's going to break my heart

Leaving "the boys" Jake (8yrs) and Zack (6yrs) will be the hardest thing we have ever done. Those two boys came into my life during a dark time in our life. Jake and Zack brought so much joy, laughter, companionship and love to us that our life was so much brighter once they stepped into it. What a gift Mike and Dawn gave us letting us share in the joy and love that those boys give to us and everyone else in their life. They certainly became a BIG part of our life.
The other day, Dawn, Jerry and were discussing our move and about packing, selling on craigslist, polishing up the Z Car when Zack jumped in and said "We'll never see you again". His face was sad and his voice sounded like he was about to cry. I explained to him that he would be able to get on a plane and come see us. That mommy and daddy would take them to the airport and make sure they were on the plane and then the flight attendants would be responsible to make sure when they landed that we were there to pick them up. Zack's busted out saying "I don't even have a wallet"!!! I explained that he wouldn't need a wallet to come visit us. I also told him that mommy and daddy were planning to bring their trailer and stay with us. Zack wasn't happy when I told him it would take at least 2 days to get there.
A couple days later, Mike and Dawn were planning a weekend get away without taking Jake and Zack. Jake and Zack would be staying with grandma in Fullerton. Jake told his dad... "I know you are going to Jerry and Karen's even before we get to go"!!! Of course his dad told him they weren't leaving to go to Jerry and Karen's.
We are going to miss those two boys!!! I don't know how I am going to be able to leave them!!!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Preparing Garage... preparing for the move

Jerry has started preparing the garage in preparation for moving all the stuff from our 2 car garage to his wonderful 48 x 50 shop in Dalton Gardens, ID. Yesterday (Saturday) we spend washing, polishing, cleaning and armor all'g the 1973 Datsun 240Z getting it ready to put on the market for sale. Looks Nice !!!

Today, (Sunday) Jerry has been working on throwing some stuff away, getting stuff sorted for our upcoming garage sale and putting items aside he knows he wants to take with us.

... it's a start !!!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

October 1, 2009 - Medical Catching Up update

In this case... NO news is good news! It's hard to believe how well Jerry has been feeling since February. It's so hard for me to remember how bad Jerry was this time last year. If I look back on the blog a year ago it's so hard for me to believe what he was (and we were) going through. Thank God he has been doing so well. When we go for his oncology visits they are pretty uneventful so there really isn't much to blog about. The last visit he was slightly anemic so they gave him an IV of iron to help boost his system. But, other than that... the nurse draws blood, his blood goes to the lab, lab results determine what IV's he needs and the nurse starts whatever IV's he's going to have. The doctor comes in, proceeds with reviewing his medications list, asks questions and does his examination. Then when all the IV's are gone, we make our next appointment and head home for what may be a 1.5-2.5 hours drive depending on traffic. We go once a month up to Century City and our next appointment will be the 14th of October.

October 1, 2009

I am so anxious to move up to our new home in Dalton Gardens, I can hardly wait for the time to pass. On the other hand, I can't believe 3 months have already gone since we bought our new house. Then we were saying we would be moving in 9 months. Now we can saying we are moving in 6 months... Jerry's official termination date is 03/31/2010 or sooner! Jerry feels that the date will probably be much sooner than 03/31/2010. Of course, he's hoping that it won't and that he'll be able to work until 03/31/2010, for Insurance purposes... So far, I have 94 boxes packed. A lot of the boxes are smaller (12 x 9.5"), but most of the boxes I have packed have been smaller to medium size and just a few large and very few extra large. I need to make sure that I can handle the boxes myself, so they can't be too big or too heavy!

Last weekend, we picked up new bedroom furniture for our guest bedroom. When I was in North Carolina for Jerry's niece Dawn's wedding I really liked her choice of furniture in her guest bedroom. I asked Dawn and she told me where I could find the set and the name of the collection. I went online and was deciding on the pieces I wanted. Since I am spending a lot of time posting classified ad's on craig's list I decided to search on craig's list for the collection. I actually found someone selling a brand new set. They purchased the set for his wife's 85 yr. old mother. Unfortunately, she suddenly passed away before she had an opportunity to enjoy it. The son/daughter were paying her mother's mobile home mortgage and rental space fee during her mother's hospital stay before she passed. Her mobile home had been sold and they needed to get the set removed from the house. They sold a dresser, mirror, nightstand and metal headboard for a full size bed for more than 1/2 price. We purchased the set with the intention of selling the metal headboard and eventually purchasing a poster head and foot board.
We were both delighted with our bargain!!! It was worth a 100 miles round trip and moving it up north along with everything else. We will wait until we are up there to purchase the rest of the set. Here is a picture of the collection: